Amended on 13/11/18 and 22/11/22
- There will be a Singles, Pairs, Triples, and Open Drawn Pairs run each year. The format of each competition to follow Bowls England competition rules which, for 2022 onwards, is currently: Singles – 4 woods, first to 21 shots; Pairs (inc drawn pairs) – 4 woods, 18 ends; Triples – 3 woods, 18 ends.
- Entries for the above competitions must reach the Secretary by the February meeting. Entries will
not be accepted after this date. All entries must be accompanied with the entrance fee of £1-00 per
person per competition. The entry fees for the league were amended on the above date to all first teams entered into the league will pay a registration fee of £25-00, and all other teams will pay £10-00, this is to ensure all clubs enter a team in the open triples day. This is to be played on the first Tuesday after the league finishes. Clubs can enter more than one team so as to make the numbers up to 24.
- The competitions shall be played to Bowls England Laws. Subject to Three Counties Bowls Fellowship domestic rules
- All entrants shall be fully paid up members of the same THREE COUNTIES affiliated club.
- The rounds shall be completed by the date stated on the Competition Draw sheets. Extension of time WILL NOT be given, unless extenuating circumstances apply as agreed with the competition secretary.
- The player or team drawn at home shall be deemed to be the challenger and shall offer their
Opponent/s three dates one of which shall be a Saturday or Sunday unless the Opponent is agreeable
to three weekdays. The Challenger will be responsible for making contact by the arrange by date. If
no contact is made the OPPONENT becomes the challenger. Then they will offer (1) one date only
which must be adhered to. No date offered should ever be a Tuesday where there are published league fixtures. All weekday dates must be 6pm at the earliest unless by mutual agreement,
- The onus of notifying the competition secretary if the game is being claimed , shall lie with the
player claiming the game.
- The winners of each game shall notify the competition secretary within 24 hours of the game being completed. The result shall be phoned in, emailed, by whatsapp or picture/text message and must be by the closing date. The score card must be signed by both players/teams and retained by the winners in case of dispute.
- Any team playing a player who has already participated in the same event will be disqualified.
Substitutes shall not have played for any other team in the same competition and shall not be
Allowed to skip the team. The substitute shall be the same player throughout the competition
- Failure to comply with the above mentioned laws & conditions will result in disqualification.
Should a dispute arise not covered by the above, it may be referred to the competition secretary
whose decision shall be final. Should a match be abandoned it will be classed as a full game after 11 ends have been completed. Both teams to agree on this or rearrange. A full team must be fielded.
The intention is to limit this competition to 16 teams. The first £15 of league entry fees covers entry to this competition to be played on the first Tuesday after the end of the league. Charity to be re-confirmed at each AGM. Host venue to provide opportunity to purchase tea/coffee/biscuits but players to provide their own lunch (unless the host venue wishes to amend this). Each club to confirm they will be attending by email at the start of the season and ensure a team is there on the day.
- All teams will play 6 games of 7 ends or 50 minutes, bell to go after 45 minutes after which no further end to be started
- Toss for the mat
- No trial ends or visits to the head by the skips
- One shot on the first end of all games
- Dead ends to incur 2 shots against the offender
- Scoring: 2 points for a win, 1 for a draw, 0 for a loss
- The team with the most points in each league will go through to the final
In any dispute the event organiser’s decision will be final