Latest news 2024
A well-attended AGM was held on Friday,22nd November, followed by an entertaining presentation of trophies by Bernard and Eric and the traditional cheese & wine.
Here is a photo of all the internal competition winners, Robin, Bernard, Derek, Tracy, Jan, Andy, John & Paul – more photos appear on the gallery in 2024 AGM Photos

In case you missed any of them, here is this year’s
External Roll of Honour 2024
County Finalists Men’s O/70s Golden Pairs
Bernard Abate, Gary C Johnson (sub Eric Smith)
Bowls England Senior Men’s Singles Hampshire North East Area Winner
Gary C Johnson
Bowls Hampshire North Area County Triples Winners
Dave Sims, Andy Payne, Gary C Johnson
Basingstoke and District Pairs Winners
Paul Schofield, Bernard Abate (sub Linda Habberfield)
Basingstoke and District 2 Wood Triples Finalists
John Blair, Paul Schofield, Gary C Johnson
Basingstoke and District Fours Finalists
David Sims, Paul Schofield, John Blair, Bernard Abate
Basingstoke and District Champion of Champions
Singles Finalist
Paul Schofield
Whitchurch O/60s Men’s Singles Winner
Gary C Johnson
Petersfield Cup
Internal Competitions
Men’s Singles
Winner: J Blair, Runner Up: P Schofield
Ladies Singles
Winner: T Bird, Runner Up: T Beech
2 Wood Open Singles
Winner: P Schofield, Runner Up: J Blair
Novice Singles
Winner: D Outlaw, Runner Up: I Hall
Open Handicap
Winner: P Schofield, Runner Up: G C Johnson
New Comers
Winner: J Dunkley, Runner Up: I Hall
Drawn Pairs
Winners: J Blair/R Morgan, Runners Up:
J Mcminnies/A Preston
The green is now being put to bed for the winter programme – all help gratefully received to lift benches/top dressing etc.etc.
And here’s a photo of our winning team at the Petersfield Cup match, who retained their title after a close game against Stedham

We had a beautiful afternoon for the final event of our bowling calendar, the President vs Captain match. With over 30 people playing and watching, in the end, it was considered a draw, but we did have a wining rink – Tracy, Gary and David, who were rewarded with chocolate oranges. The afternoon finished off with oodles of savouries, cake, strawberries and plenty of chat.

Bernard and Paul have beaten Leo and Luke May of Alton Social to win the B&D Pairs.

Don;t forget, President vs Captain, our last event of the season, is this Saturday, 14th, at 2pm sharp
Bring a plate of goodies to share afterwards
The last final, the Drawn Pairs, has now been played and the worthy winners were John Blair and Robin Morgan.

Well done to everyone who took part.
Finals Day, well supported by Club Members who had four great matches to watch.
Tracy is the new Ladies’ Champion, John the Mens’ Champion and Paul the Handicap Champion. Paul also won the 2-Wood Triples match.
Further photos can be found on the 2024Finals page – see at the top of the screen = or click here 2024 Finals Day

From Linda…..
We are nearing the end of the season but there is still a lot of bowling to look forward to:
- This evening Friday 23 Aug we play Midhurst at home in the Petersfield Cup
- Sat 24 Aug Friendly home v Colden Common
- Mon 26 Aug Friendly away at Alton Social
- Wed 28 Aug Whitchurch league
- 31 Aug / 1 Sep is ABC finals weekend but also the finals of the BDBA competitions in which we have a champion, a pair, a four, and a two wood triple, so some tap dancing to do!
- 4 Sep last Whitchurch league game
- Sat 7 Sep Friendly away at Four Marks
- Saturday 14 Sep is the President v Captain match
- Sunday 15 Sep green closes
- Sat 21 Sep club ‘put-to-bed’ – plenty of jobs to do so come along
- Fri 22 Nov 2024 AGM at 7.30pm
Gary has also won the Whitchurch Over 60’s Singles – Well Done Gary!!
Gary Johnson has won the area final (Hampshire North/East) of the Bowls England Senior Men’s Singles. He now plays Andrew Squire of Malden, Essex on the 18th August.
Bernard & Eric won their first game against the pair from Waterlooville, but were knocked out in the Final round, so were runners-up. Very well done for getting so far!
Bernard and Gary/Eric have won the North Area Bowls Hampshire Golden Pairs and are set to play a team from the East area at Banister Park
Gary Johnson has reached the area final (Hampshire North/East) of the Bowls England Senior Men’s Singles. He plays Dave Webb from Lee-on-the-Solent by 31st July on a neutral ground – Good luck, Gary!
2024 COUNTY TRIPLES together with a team from Alton Social. They now play WEST AREA2, Dan Steadman, Simon Clarke & Adam Broom (Boscombe Cliff), on SUNDAY 14th JULY at 10am at Banister Park
Well done Terry & Tracy for your win in the County pairs. They now go on to face another team from Old Basing in the second round.
Terri and John Blair have beaten Cove 16/12 in the National Mixed Pairs and go on to the next round to play Oakley.
Alton won their national Top Club competition away against Kingsclere and now play either Andover or Whitchurch in the next round
Geraldine and Lynda won their North Hants pairs game against Whitchurch ladies and go on to play Fleet Social by the end of May.
May 6th OPEN DAY Do go along and help support this important date in our Calendar and then stay to watch Dave Sims’ mixed 4’s play Gary’s Mixed 4’s at 5.30pm (Dave’s team won! – pity they were drawn against each other so early in the tournament)
May: Gary Johnson and John Blair won their National Senior Men’s pairs against Farnborough and are through to the next round
A work day will be held on 6 and 7 April to ready the green and clubhouse for opening on Saturday 13 April.
Sunday March 24th at the Clubhouse
It’s time to choose your meal option for Sunday 24 March, noon till 4pm

The price including meal and bingo (up to 6 games) will be £18.
We need to know ASAP so we have a idea for numbers, and to place the orders.
The food options are as follows :
Fish and chips, Jumbo sausage and chips ( plain or battered), Burger and chips ( veggie option available), Pie and chips ( steak and kidney, chicken and mushroom, beef and onion or steak).
Latest News 2023
Probably the last news of 2023…………
Richard has been doing sterling work on the surrounds.
Matt and Bernard did a patch, back in the day, but it had got to the stage where it needed a serious make-over, or we were in danger of, not only not being able to use rinks 5 & 6, but also would be unable to ‘turn the green around’ on its weekly schedule. It not only involved digging out the bank, but also taking up and re-laying those paving slabs. Here’s photos of Richard’s improvements (with a little help from Derek), courtesy of Linda. Thanks to Richard and all who helped.
Before & After

Don’t forget SIGN_UP Day on Saturday January 13th, starting at 10.00 if you want to enter the 2024 competitions.
Photos from the AGM can now be seen by clicking on the ‘2023 AGM Winners & Runners-up’. Hover over each photo to see the caption
August 27
A full day of bowling finals entertained us today. David Sims won the 2-Wood, Richard, the Newcomers, John Blair and David Sluter, the Drawn Pairs, Lynda Heelis, the Ladies’ Singles (at last!) and Paul, the Men’s’ Singles.
Well done to all the winners, and the runners-up, not forgetting the markers, for a splendid day – and the weather was kind to us.
Photo pages are now up – see main menu
August 26
John Blair won the 2-wood singles this morning and Richard narrowly beat Ian after they were 16-all in a thrilling game of novice singles.
August 24 Message from our Club Captain
First of all, many thanks to all members who have taken part in the internal club competitions and your efforts in getting all the semi finals played in order for me to prepare and present the programme for Saturday and Sunday 26/27th August. You will note that Saturday is a relatively quiet day. This is primarily due to a number of members achieving the accolade of being in multiple finals and external commitments. This tends to happen every year and we have had to learn to manage it. Dress code for all finalists is club colours, optional whites.
1000 Open Two Wood Singles, John Blair versus Linda Habberfield
1330 Approx Open Novice Singles Richard Bicknell versus Ian Jack
1000 Open Handicap Singles Eric Smith versus David Sims
1000 Drawn Pairs David Sluter & John Blair versus Geraldine Dockrell & Bernard Abate
1330 Approx: Men’s Singles John Blair versus Paul Schofield
1330 Approx: Ladies Singles Linda Habberfield versus Lynda Heelis
1300 Approx: Open Newcomers Singles Alan Dyos versus Richard Bicknell
I will ensure that markers are available for all singles matches, again dress code for markers will be club colours optional whites.
Congratulations to all our finalist, enjoy the moment.
Given that it will be a long day, particularly on Sunday, it would be appreciated if participants and spectators bring along a contribution to a buffet table for lunch. Any catering queries, please speak to Helen. The bar of course will be open.
Lets hope the weather is kind to us.
August 16
Richard has got through to the Final of the BDBA Novice Singles which he will play on 9th September at Oakley.
Well done, Richard – we all wish you the best of luck!
August 14
The quiz night was well attended and four teams of varying sizes competed. Thanks to Rosemary for setting the questions and being the quizmaster, as well as keeping us in order – most of the time.
Photos of our delayed President’s Day are now on the website – with 4 rinks of 6 bowlers, cheered on by the spectators, we did manage to get 2 rounds of the spoon drive completed and the third started before the heavens opened and it was decided to call it quits and declare the winner to be Rob Oliver, runner-up, Katherine, then it was time to eat. Alas, not the BBQ we’d hoped for from Mark, but Eric saved the situation by bringing in supplies from a local eatery.
Thanks to Eric and all his helpers and to those who brought the delicious ‘extras’ for another successful event.
July 28 Due to health problems with the BBQ, President’s day has had to be postponed for a week until Sunday August 6th. – just as well, as it rained heavily all day!
July 26
President’s Day is fast approaching, this coming Sunday 30 July
The format is as follows
- Arrive at 2pm
- The cost is £10 per head, under 15s free, with all proceeds going to club funds
- President Eric has arranged for a barbecue
- Please enter you name on the sheet to be provided at the door if you want to bowl in –
- the spider at 2.30pm (£1 entry for charity), and
- the spoon drive after that
There will be a raffle for charity, contributions of prizes would be welcome.
The barbecue is provided, attendees are kindly requested to bring a contribution to the buffet, either savoury (salads etc) or sweet as for other club events.
Dress is casual, look forward to seeing you all there. Eric
July 1st. After a miserable Friday, the weather improved and, despite a chilly breeze in the morning, it turned fine for our Short Jack event.
5 groups of 5 people, randomly chosen, set out to play singles matches of 10 ends against each of their group.
Tea and coffee were taken ‘on the fly’ and by the time we had each played 2 of our group, we were more than ready for the delicious buffet (well done all who contributed food) and a glass of something cool.
The original plan was abandoned, as it would have taken us up to six o’clock, so the 4 with the highest scores were deemed to be the semi-finalists – David Sluter played Helen and Robin Morgan played Lynda. David and Robin were the finalists and David turned out to be the worthy winner.
Our thanks go to Bernard for organising a really fun day – and to all the helpers too numerous to mention here.
*******SHORT JACK ON SAT 1st*******
June 27 Petersfield have decided that, for various reasons, the Petersfield Cup match against Liphook should be replayed. This will take place on 14th July
17th June Tracy and her team beat Liphook in the Petersfield cup this morning and go on to the next round, playing either Alton Social or Rogate.
Don’t forget to sign up for the SHORT JACK Competition on 1st July. It proved to be very popular last year, even if Anthony was making the rules up as he went along!
14th June Lynda’s triples team of Helen & Katherine won their Bowls Hampshire Triples match against Cove tonight. They go on to play Fleet United in the next round.
31st May. Tracy won her Bowls Hampshire 4-Wood singles against Rachael Powell of Farnborough and goes on to play J Vickers of Oakley in the 2nd round.
24th May Linda, Terri, Paul and David won tonight in the National Mixed Fours against Kingsclere. They go on to play Sean Lassman’s Four in the next round at Oakley.
22nd May Pam, Terri & Tracy had a good win in Bowls Hampshire triples against Farnborough tonight – 23:5 – they go on to play Hook in the next round.
20th May. Tracy and Terri this afternoon beat Maryanne and her team mate from Basingstoke Town in the NHWBA pairs and are now into the 2nd round.
17th May. John and Bernard beat Farnborough, Royal British Legion in the Bowls Hampshire 4-Wood pairs on the last end. Unfortunately, Paul and David lost on the last end to Anthony at Social.
16th May. Tracy beat Kate Fyfield this evening at Alton Social in the Bowls Hampshire Ladies 4-Wood Singles – a great win!! She now goes on to meet Rachael Powell at Farnborough in the next round. Good luck Tracy!
In preparation for the green opening scheduled for 15 April, we are having a ‘wash and brush up’ preparation day on Saturday 1 April, from 10 am onwards. There is a lot to do so please come along and lend a hand if you can. Tasks needing attention are:
- paint the green wood surround (probably)
- sweep out gulleys and lay gulley liners in
- move all the benches from the clubhouse to outside
- paint benches
- spring clean the clubhouse
- wash windows and external doors
- gardening
- external painting of clubhouse (weather dependent)
Tools, brushes, paint etc, will be provided, but if you want to bring your own feel free. Always tea, coffee and biscuits available.
Skittles at the Jolly Farmer to start the season off, March 25th – a great afternoon, attended by about 40 people. The “cat” was won by Peter Mitchell after a hard-won play-off at the end of the game.
Latest News 2022
Sept 19
Don’t forget, all hands on deck for the clean-up next weekend. Lots of jobs to do, large or small, everyone can help in whatever capacity.
A clear up day is scheduled for Saturday 24 September to put the club to bed for the winter. Jobs include lifting the ditch mats, moving furniture, painting, hedge trimming, and various inside tasks. Volunteers are also requested to help John on Monday 26 September and Tuesday 27. John is expecting a delivery of top dressing to be delivered to the club.
Sept 18
What a brilliant afternoon! President vs Captain’s day was attended by probably 50 members. 30, dressed in club kit, and picked out by Eric and Anthony, played 16 ends of triples – the President’s team won by 3 shots. Afterwards we all feasted on the abundant contributions brought by everyone – hopefully, the remainder found a good home.
Sept 17
Unfortunately, our team came second in the President’s Cup to Alton Social, worthy winners.
Sept 12
Yesterday, in the B&D Triples final, Steve, John and Anthony lost by 1 shot on the extra end to the Social team of Adam Anthony and Gary Johnson jnr. Apparently, it was an outrageous fluke shot by Adam, as he himself acknowledged, but, hey, that’s bowls!
Well done for getting so far.
Don’t forget to put your name down for the President vs Captain event on the 18th. This will be your last chance to bowl outdoors, as the green then closes so that the green team can carry out their autumn programme of work before the winter schedule sets in. All help very welcome.
August 31
We had a good win against Godalming & Farncombe in the President’s Cup semi finals tonight. 2 rinks to 0, 40:21. We now go on to play Alton Social in the Final on the 17th September at Midhurst.
August 29
Pictures of all the finalists are now uploaded onto the PHOTOs page!
August 28
Roll of Honour 2022
Competition | Winner | Runner-up |
Men’s Singles | Anthony LaFrenais | Paul Schofield |
Ladies’ Singles | Tracy Bird | Linda Habberfield |
Drawn Pairs | Paul Schofield & Anthony LaFrenais | David Sims & David Sluter |
Open Handicap | David Cooper | Paul Schofield |
2 Wood Open Singles | Paul Schofield | Anthony LaFrenais |
Novice Singles | Lynda Heelis | David Sluter |
New Comers | Clare Allen | Richard Bicknell |
Many congratulations to all our winners and runners up and thanks to all who have taken part and supported the finals days over the 27th and 28Th August. Thanks also to Bernard for organising and running the competitions.
There will be a presentation of trophies and prizes on completion of the formalities at the AGM to be held in the club house on Friday 25 November 2022.
We request that the holders of the 2021 trophies return them to either Bernard or a member of the Committee for engraving.
Club Competitions Finals
Saturday 27th August 2022
1130 2 Wood Singles A LaFrenais v P Schofield – Marker Terri Beech
1130 Novice Singles D Sluter v L Heelis – Marker David Cooper
On Completion, break for refreshments.
1400 Men’s Singles A LaFrenais v D Sims or P Schofield – Marker Bernard Abate
1400 Ladies Singles L Habberfield v T Bird – Marker Katherine Philipson
Sunday 28th August 2022
1130 Open Handicap D Cooper v P Schofield – Marker David Mason
On Completion, break for refreshments.
1400 Drawn Pairs P Schofield & A LaFrenais v D Sims & D Sluter
1400 New Comers R Bicknell v C Allen – Marker Tracy Bird
Please note:
Dress Code – Finalists and Markers Whites and Club Shirts
An Umpire will be allocated on the day.
Many congratulations to all our finalists we trust that you and all the supporters have enjoyed the competition.
August 1
we go from strength to strength – Terri and Norma won their Golden Girls semi-final at Basingstoke today – who’s next?
July 31
A great day with about 40 people attending the Social event. We had a Spoon Drive – organised by Brian with his usual aplomb – a magnificent spread for lunch, contributions from everyone and lots of chat and laughter.
To top it off, our team had a great win in the evening at Liphook in the Petersfield Cup.
July 30
Our team of two mixed rinks beat Cranleigh this morning in the President’s Cup.
July 28
Don’t forget the Social Day on Sunday (31st), starts 10.30 for 11am
July 24
David Cooper and Anthony LeFrenais received their County badges this morning . Bernard also received his earlier in the season – a great achievement, well done all.
July 16
In the Petersfield Cup today, we beat Alton Social 51:34, and go on to the semi final in August.
July 15
Terri and Linda (standing in for Norma), beat the Hook ladies in the Golden Girls today and now go on to the next round against Basingstoke Town.
July 7
Meanwhile, the ‘B’ teams have had two smashing wins over the last two evenings – away at Sutton in the Three Counties and home to Basingstoke in the Whitchurch.
July 5
Anthony and Terri played the 1/4 finals of the Whitchurch mixed pairs and won by two shots, beating Annie and Gary Johnson.
July 4
Anthony LaFrenais and Paul Schofield won their County Pairs game 19-9 tonight against quality opponents (Ian and Bill) from Basingstoke Town. Onto the County Area Final.
David Sims and Anthony LaFrenais both made 4 different County Area Finals this year.
David – 4 Wood Singles, Triples, Fours and Senior Fours
Anthony – 2 Wood Singles, Pairs, Triples and Senior Fours
Bernard, John, Paul and David (Sims) successfully reached the County Finals at Banister Park on Sunday. Unfortunately, Bernard was unwell. Anthony played for him as a substitute. Alton played well but were beaten by Fleming Park, who went onto win their second match and reach the National Finals.
June 29
Once again it was a struggle to get a team out to fulfil this fixture in the Three Counties and in the end we played with just 8, suffering a 25% shot deduction on our “player short” rink. We came away with no points with the shots score, 59 to 33. Wonersh are a strong side and boast England and Commonwealth Games players among their ranks so I am not too disappointed re the result. Particular thanks go to Richard Bicknell and Steve Holmes who only joined the club this season
June 27
A big thank you and well done to everyone involved in the National Mixed Top Club this season. We started with a very impressive 4-1 win at Kingsclere. Last evening against one of the strongest clubs in Hampshire (Oakley) on their home green, they were too strong for us (also 4-1). We are making good progress as a club with recruitment, training and other initiatives. Let’s focus on the many positives, but Oakley simply bowled better than us last night.
June 26
Alton Bowling Club’s President, Bob Beale, has resigned for personal reasons, the Club thanks him for his contribution as President and as a member over the years.
The Committee invites any member to put their name forward, before Sunday 10 July, if they wish to be considered for the role of President on a temporary basis until the formal election of Officers at the Annual General Meeting in November.
If interested please reply to the Secretary.
June 23
Alton Bowling Club has quietly achieved “under the radar” to be one of the top few clubs in all of Hampshire this season. At this late stage of County competitions, we have entries still in singles, pairs, triples and fours. This is a remarkable achievement.
In two singles matches in the last 30 days, two different Alton Bowling Club players have defeated the current Hampshire singles champion (he is the 2021 indoors and outdoors champion).
Alton Bowling Club plays Oakley in the next round of the Mixed Top Club at Oakley on this Sunday.
Alton Bowling Club plays Cove A in the next round of the Men’s Top Club at Cove on 30th June.
June 21
Alton Bowling Club has a packed schedule tonight and it will be well worth coming along to watch and support. Our Men’s Fours (John, Bernard, Paul, David) play a BDBA competition match v Whitchurch.
Two matches in the Ladies County Fours Area Final – Cove’s Karen Cranham v Oakley’s Janie Vickers and Alton Social’s Margaret Holden v Fleet United’s Brenda Grout
and a Division 4 Three Counties game v Alton Social. I suspect there will be a few AS supporters there. Please come along and enjoy some good bowling.
June 17
From Anthony
This evening’s BDBA league match at Whitchurch has been postponed due to lack of players available.
This evening, our County Fours team of Bernard, John, Paul and David Sims are playing in the Area Final at Alton Social. If you are free, come down for a drink and to support them. Game starts at 6.30pm. Opportunity to see excellent bowls under pressure.
Last night, our County Triples team of David Cooper, David Sims and myself, won at Cove by 1 shot on the extra end against a Cove team of Carl Taylor, Daniel Taylor and Wayne. The opponents jumped to an early 8-1 lead, but we pegged them back slowly. Overall, I think we had better teamwork and consistency. As skip, David Sims made excellent calls and choices of shots to play at critical moments.
My friends from Farnborough were playing County Triples on the next rink to us last night against Chris, Leo and Jim. After a slow start, Farnborough also won by 1 shot. This is a major upset in the bowls world and proves that with self-belief and teamwork (and maybe a bit of luck …), anything is possible.
I am playing (melting) a County 2W singles match today at 3pm at home.
We are several players short for the BDBA league match at Basingstoke Town on 24/6. Let me know if you can play.
We will be playing the next round of National Men’s Top Club at Cove at 6.30pm on Thursday 30/6. The teams (11 players) will be announced shortly. If you are not playing, we’d love your support.
June 16
David Cooper, Anthony and David Sims got through to the next round of the County Triples, beating Cove 17:16. They now go on to play either Yateley or Aldershot Underwood in the second round.
June 13
Our lads (David Cooper, Anthony, John Blair & David Sims) won their Senior County Fours against Oakley today, 17:9. Next round will be against either Kingsclere or Aldershot Underwood
June 12
Today our men’s team beat Farnborough in the Top Club and go on to meet Cove A in the next round.
June 9
Our team won their first round of the Petersfield Cup tonight, beating Frensham 69:45. They now go on to play either Midhurst or Alton Social.
June 5
Despite the dubious weather predictions, 20 people played on 5 rinks in our first Short Mat competition. Once we got the hang of it, it went like clockwork, albeit with Anthony making some of the rules up as we went along. Lunch was enjoyed by all – many thanks to all those who contributed. Outside in the park, hundreds of people were enjoying their own Jubilee lunch and we were all entertained by a selection of well-known tunes from the bandstand. Then, with Terri, David Sluter, John Blair, Anthony, Linda and Katherine having made it into the semi-final triples, despite much vocal encouragement from the spectators for the underdog, Linda and Anthony got through to the final, with Anthony as the ultimate victor by 1 shot. Well done everyone.
A great day, enjoyed by all, let’s do it again soon.

June 2
Today, David Sims beat Alan Shelley of Cove in the County Singles and goes forward to the third round to meet Spencer Kerley of Oakley.
29 May
In the Whitchurch Mixed Pairs , Lynda and Anthony were worthy winners against Tracy and David Cooper. The match went to the last end (just) but not surprisingly they failed to get the maximum 8 shots required. Lynda and Anthony will now be at home to Jenny Rolls and Colin Kinge of Basingstoke Town. Match to be played by 19 June.
May 27
A good win 19-13 for Alton Bowling Club at Farnborough in the County Triples last night. Consistent performance throughout from David Cooper, Anthony LaFrenais and David Sims with very good teamwork and camaraderie.
Anthony LaFrenais won his County 2 Wood singles match at Cove on Wednesday. His opponent in Round 3 may be David Sims, which would be an all Alton Bowling Club match.
On the down side, Diana, Geraldine, Helen and Katherine lost their North Hants Fours by 1 shot on the extra end!
May 23
Message from our Club Captain
We enjoyed success on Sunday morning at home in the National Men’s Top Club against Alton Social. A good crowd present from both clubs to watch and support.
It is a 5 match format and we won 3-2 overall.
We must field 11 players, otherwise the opponents win on a walkover. This event is an excellent way for us to give newer or returning members a highly competitive playing experience. We will continue with this policy.
A big thank you to our rink team of Graham, Ian (new member), Bob and David. You enabled us to field 11 players and to take Alton Social by surprise in the other matches. (Several years ago, I was thrown into the rink in this same competition after only one week of bowling experience. We lost, but it was a great learning experience and gave me a taste of wanting to improve and compete).
Match Results:
David Cooper won 21-19 in the 4 Wood Singles, defeating the current County 4 Wood Champion (he is both Outdoors and Indoors Champion).
Anthony LaFrenais and John Blair won the Pairs 19-13.
In the Triples, Bernard Abate, John Driver and Paul Schofield lost narrowly against an excellent team including Young Pup and Grumpo.
The Fours of Graham de Neiderhausen, Ian Saunders, Bob Beale and David Sluter played well and competed valiantly but came second against experienced opponents.
Our next round of this national competition will be against Farnborough and to be played on or before 12th June. They beat us last Friday in the National Two Fours, so we are looking to avenge that result
May 20
In the North Hants, Tracy and Diana won their pairs match tonight in a hard fought game against Fleet United 22:21 and go on to play either the ladies from St Mary Bourne or Oakley in round 2. Lynda and Geraldine won fairly easily, 24:15, against Fleet Social and go on to meet either Kingsclere or Basingstoke Town.
May 18
David Sims has won his County singles match against Peter Reid of Kingsclere and now goes on to meet either Chris Cranham or Alan Shelley of Cove in Round 2
May 14
Our team won their Mixed Top Club match in the Bowls Hampshire preliminary round against Kingsclere today, beating them 4:1. They now go on to meet Oakley or Headley in round 1. I understand that Kingsclere only got the 1 point by the skin of their teeth, winning a singles game by a mere 2 shots.
If you were wondering what Mixed Top Club entailed, it’s a Singles (lady), Singles (man), a Pair (lady + man), a Triple (man + lady + 1) and a Four (2 men + 2 ladies)
May 12
Tonight, David Sims, Paul Schofield, Terri Beech and Lynda Heelis met Anthony LaFrenais, John Blair, Tracy Bird and Diana Wadlow to decide their draw in the Bowls England Mixed Fours. Only one team could win and that was David Sims’, 19:10. They go on to meet Nick Hardy of Oakley, at home.
May 8
Tracy and David Cooper won their preliminary round in the Whitchurch pairs competition this morning 22:16 against the pair from Kingsclere.
May 6
In an unfortunate preliminary draw, Tracy and Paul played Terri and John in the Bowls England Mixed Pairs this evening, watched by an enthusiastic and appreciative audience. After a close game, played to the last end, Terri and John go through to Round 1 to meet Rachel Powell of Farnborough, at home.
May 3
The Triple of Pam, Helen and Terri have won the preliminary match 21:14 against Hook in the North Hants Ladies and now go forward to the first round.
April 16
Our Green opens for members (weather permitting) – come along on Saturday for an impromptu roll-up.
March 19
The new season started with a bang at the Jolly Farmer for a skittles afternoon. Graham de N won his second Cat!
If you’re walking through the park and wondering what’s going on in the Club; the flags are being lifted and levelled to ensure that they are no longer a trip hazard.
September 19
We heard today that Mary, Tracy and Eric have all qualified as coaches – well done!
September 18
Just to bring the season to a terrific end, John, Paul & Bernard won the Benevolent Triples Cup, beating Eastleigh Railway, then Alexandra in the County Final at Southbourne.

September 13
The Green is closed now. Winter mainentance of the Green, Club house and surrounds will continue.
Don’t forget the AGM is on Friday 26th November.
September 12
What a lovely day – over 30 people turned up for Terri to organise a ladies vs men (we let them win for the most part) and there was lots of fun and chat. Thanks go to the ladies who brought some scrumptious cakes to go with our tea and other liquid refreshment. To round it off Terri, Annie, Paul and David got their certificates for their hotshot in the Mixed Fours area finals, signed by no less a personage than Tony Allcock.

September 9
John Blair, Paul & Bernard tonight won the County 2-Wood Triples and are the Northern Area Hampshire Champions. They go on to play on September 18th at Southbourne.
September 6
The Green closes for winter maintenance on Sunday 12th, so come along and have a final roll-up from 2pm.
September 5
John Blair’s County Mens’ 2-Wood Triples have knocked out one Cove Team and now have to play another one in the Final at 6pm on Thursday at Farnborough
September 4
Unfortunately, they got knocked out by Gloucestershire – but Annie and Terri were awarded their County Badges.

September 3
Our Mixed Fours playing at Leamington tomorrow!
August 31
AGM is on Friday 26th November
August 30
Don’t forget that David Sims is playing at Leamington tomorrow!
August 29
Well done everyone who took part – it wouldn’t be a competition without you.
Lots more photos of the two days, courtesy of Annie & Joe, and the winners and runners-up in the gallery.
The Ladies’ match continued down to the wire, with Tracy just forging ahead at the last end
We rounded off in the afternoon by running the Mens’ and Ladies’ Finals together. The Mens’ finished first with John Blair the winner.
Today started off in the morning with the Drawn Pairs Final. David and Keith narrowly won the first set, then powered on to clinch the match.

August 28
President’s Day and Finals Day
What a day – in the morning, we not only had the semi-finals of the Drawn Pairs to watch, but also the 2-Wood Singles Final between John Blair and Anthony LaFrenais. Anthony was the winner.

We then continued, everyone playing now, with a spider – won by Bernard, our President, and a spoon drive, won by Linda!!!, before all tucking in to a BBQ, cooked by Marc, and all the delicious accompaniments donated by Club Members. Lots of chat and the weather did us proud. A Day to remember.
August 24
The semi-Finals of the Drawn Pairs will be held at 11am on Saturday 28th August, as follows
David Sims & Keith Arrowsmith Oliver vs Peter Foulkes & Eric Smith
Bob Beale & Tracy Bird vs Alex Mason & David Cooper
August 23
Wonersh beat Alton in the semi-finaks of the President’s Cup
August 22
More successes – Paul, John Blair, Bernard & David Sims won their BDBA Fours Final this morning.

However, Paul just missed out on the CofCs.
August 21
John Blair, Paul and Bernard won the BDBA 2-Wood Triples this afternoon.

Unfortunately, Paul was pipped at the post in his Singles match, but has another chance tomorrow when he plays the Champion of Champions.
August 17
Alton beat Odiham tonight in the Petersfield Cup to go through to the Final at Petersfield on September 5th when we will meet Midhurst.
August 16
Terri, Annie, David Sims and Paul are off to Leamington – in the area final of the National Mixed Fours, they beat the team from Boscombe Cliff 21/11. They now meet Gloucestershire on 4th September at 9.30am.
August 15
Tracy, Anthony & David Cooper got beaten on the very last end of the Whitchurch Triples Final this morning at Howard Park.
August 14
David Sims is now the County 2-Wood Champion
He beat Peter Ward this morning at Banister Park to take the title.
August 11
Last night, Terri & Norma played their Golden Girls Area Final against Fleet United and, unfortunately, lost. Well done to both of them – a great achievement to get so far.
Meanwhile, there are still competitions that our members are involved in.
On 14th August at 10.30am, David Sims plays the County Final of the Men’s 2-Wood singles against Peter Ward of Ringwood at Banister Park.
On Sunday August 15th at 10.30am, Tracy, Anthony and David Cooper play their Whitchurch Triples Final against St.Mary Bourne at Howard Park.
On August 16th at 6pm, Terri, Annie, Paul and David Sims are in the Hampshire zone final National Mixed Fours at Southampton Old Bowling Green.
The BDBA Finals at Alton Social are on 21st/22nd August, Paul is in the Singles and the Champion of Champions, and, together with John Blair, Bernard and David Sims, his Four has also qualified. The 2-Wood Triples team of Paul, Bernard and John Blair reached the finals tonight too.
and on Tuesday 31st August at 12.30, David Sims has his first match (of a potential 5 to play that day, he tells me) in the National finals 2-Wood Singles at Leamington Spa – he could end up as National Champion that day – we wish him, and everyone else, the best of luck.
August 9
The draw for the Singles’ semi-finals has taken place and can be seen on this website.
August 5
Paul beat Richard Burgin of Basingstoke Town this evening to go through to the BDBA Final of the Champion of Champions.
President’s Day will be on the same day as Finals Day I.e. August 28th.
August 4
Terri and Norma have battled their way to the area final of the Golden Girls, beating the Whitchurch pair on the last end by one shot. They now play Fleet United on the 10th August at Basingstoke Town.
August 3
Another win for the men – Paul’s team beat Oakley tonight in the BDBA Fours at Basingstoke to go through to the Finals on the 21st at Alton Social
August 1
It’s been a bumper weekend for the Club. John Blair’s team beat Basingstoke Town in the BDBA 2-Wood Triples to go into the semifinals, David Sims’ team beat Milton Ladies in the National Mixed Fours and is now in the area finals and Anthony, Tracy and David Cooper beat Hyde Abbey at Oakley in the Whitchurch Triples and are also into their Finals on 15th August.
Jul 26
Tonight, in the Three Counties President’s Cup, we beat Bourne by 1 shot to go forward to the semi-finals against Milford or Wonash. Bourne turned up a player short, so on one rink the skip had 2 bowls and the other two had three. To even up this advantage, they forfeited 25% of the score on that rink. Otherwise, it was a close game and might have gone either way.
Unfortunately, our men’s Fours were both knocked out at the semifinal stages by Cove and Social.
Jul 23
Meanwhile, in the County 2-Wood Singles, David Sims has won through to the FINAL by beating Alan Geary of Boscombe Cliff in a nail-biting finish in the quarter finals and Carter Branford of Leigh Park in the semis – both by one shot. He now meets Peter Ward of Ringwood on the 14th August.
Jul 22
The ladies’ four of Terri, Linda, Sue and Annie beat Cove in the County competitions and are now through to the area final at Farnborough on 3rd August meeting either Fleet United or Cove.
Jul 15
Paul and Dave Sim’s County Triples beat their Cove opponents tonight and both go through to the second round to be played on Monday.
Jul 13
Paul, Bernard, John Blair and David Sims beat Basingstoke Town 22:10 tonight in the BDBA Fours and now go forward to the semifinals. This will be held at a neutral green.
Terri and Norma beat Oakley in the Golden Girls and go on to play either Cove or Whitchurch in the next round.
Jul 10
Terri, Annie, Paul and David are through to the semi-finals of the (Hampshire & IOW) National mixed fours, after beating Cove last night
Jul 8
Terri’s team is through to the next round of the County Fours
Jul 5
Paul and David’s teams are also through to the County Fours second round
Jul 1
The teams of Paul Schofield and Dave Sims are both through to the second round of the County Triples and both then play Cove teams
Jun 30
Geraldine, Lynda and Katherine are through to the quarter finals of the North Hants Triples, having beaten the ladies of Farnborough Gate this evening.
Jun 28
The team of Diana Wadlow, Sandy Crocker and Helen Smith are through to the next round of the County Triples
Jun 26
The triples team of Tracy, Anthony and David Cooper have won through to the semi-finals of the Whitchurch competition.
Jun 21
The triples team of Geraldine, Lynda and Katherine won their County match against Cove tonight and now play Margaret Holden, Alton Social, in the next round.
June 15
Our team of pairs, triples and rinks beat Liphook tonight in the Petersfield Cup.
June 14
David Sims has reached the area final of the 2-Wood Singles beating A Blight of Aldershot Underwood
June 13
Don’t forget that Thursday roll-ups are back on and can now be played even if the Stan Hardman is at Home.
June 11
Alton beat Aldershot Traction in the National Men’s Top Club and go on to meet Cove A in the next round.
June 8
In the National Competitions, Paul is through to Round 2 of the Champion od Champions and now plays Daniel Taylor of Cove, David Sims beat Dick Holden in the Over 55s and will now meet Carl Taylor of Cove. Alton Beat Old Basing in the Men’s Club Two Fours and go on to meet Cove A.
In the County Competitions, Paul and Anthony are through to the next round of the Men’s Singles beating Bill Lawyer of Basingstoke Town and Sam Selby of Cove, respectively. In the Men’s 2-Wood Singles, David Sims beat G Nicholson of Cove.
Alton beat Holloway Hill in the President’s Cup and now go on to play Bourne in the next round.
The draw for the next round of the Ladies’, Men’s and 2-Wood Singles will take place on Saturday 22nd May